Calendar, 2008

by wjw on November 27, 2007

Once again, and for the second time in my life, I have become self-published.
I’ve put together another travel calendar for 2008, with pictures taken during my travels with Kathy.
I make no money off of this. It’s available on a creative commons license. You can order the calendar here, or you can download a .pdf and print it yourself.
The calendar is 13.5″ by 19″, printed full-color on quality linen paper. It features Mexican, U.S., and Canadian holidays as well as astronomical events.
You’re going to need a calendar anyway, so why not this one?
The cover photo, shown here, was taken in Croatia in 2001. I was guest of honor at the Croatian national convention, held in Zagreb, and the object of an enormous amount of warmth and hospitality, for which I remain grateful.
One afternoon my publisher took us out for a roundup of local attractions. We began with the birthplace of Tito— the Marshal, not the Jackson— an agricultural village that had, I suspect, been much spruced up in the days since young Josip Broz left home. We were taken to Vindija Cavern, once been inhabited by Neanderthals and which is now the home to bronze statues of Neanderthals. We visited the spectacular Marusavec Castle. We had a glorious lunch of local veal.
On the way home I snapped this picture of local church. The outline of the church may look a bit martial, and there’s a reason for that.
After the Ottomans wiped out the Hungarian kingdom in 1526, Croatia was next on the menu. The Turkish practice at the time was to constantly raid civilian populations— not for the loot and slaves, though they were happy to take these as well, but to convince the locals to abandon the district. Once the area lost its population, the Turks moved in.
Croatia was poor and couldn’t afford a lot of castles, but it did have churches. So churches were built on hills and crags, to make them hard to attack, and built very large and stoutly, to defend against raiders. When the alarm was sounded, the entire population and their livestock took up residence in the church. Presumably a proper army would have made short work of them, but Turkish raiders didn’t bring siege equipment with them, and the Croats were reasonably safe.
There are ruined churches on hilltops all over Croatia. The picture shows one that hasn’t fallen into ruin, and which stands a monument to Croatian resistance against foreign oppression.
Siristru November 29, 2007 at 10:34 am

Oh! You was in Croatia? Great! Probably it was first Slavonic country that you visited. Am I right? 🙂 So, I think that next should be Poland 🙂

Croatia is beautiful, but disunion made a lot of damages in Hrvatska 🙁 Especially around Knin and Vukovar. Still a lot of mine fields are present there… so sad.

dubjay November 30, 2007 at 3:31 am

The first Slavonic country I visited was Yugoslavia, back around 1975.

But I =have= been to Poland, in 2000, when I was guest of honor at the combined Eurocon/Balticon/Polcon held in Gdynia.

The hospitality was lovely, and I’d very much like the opportunity to return.

Siristru December 5, 2007 at 1:36 pm

So you visited Yugoslavia in their good time. troubles tarted around end of 70’s – co called Croatian Spring and rise of nationalism ( I should add a ustasa/nazi natinalism 🙁 ).

You ware in Poland? Eh, it’s pity that we haven’t meet at that time… probably its because at that time I was preparing for exams on Szczecins University.

But in future, when you’ll be near by – we SHOULD meet 😉 I’ll show you my city – Szczecin. So feel invited 😉

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