Eat It and Like It

by wjw on January 18, 2008

A shout-out to Making Light for pointing me in this direction.

Here’s a foreign cooking show that won’t be turning up in a U.S. version anytime soon.

We have a host in studded leather named “Hard Gay.” Small children. Pelvic thrusts. Suggestive food. Suggestive suggestions. More small children. And disco.

Yes. Hard Gay makes them eat it.

qtera January 19, 2008 at 12:47 am

Wow – I am speechless! But – strangely riveted. I bet watching this already has me on some list….Well…who am I kidding…I bet I am already on lots of lists.

Dave Bishop January 23, 2008 at 12:22 pm

Distasteful – in several senses of the word!

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