. . . and speaking of Iron Man

by wjw on June 1, 2008

Here we have the video for the Berkeley Bionics Exoskeleton, being demonstrated by our first military superman. (I’d call him a Starship Trooper, except that he lacks the rocket boots— and of course the starship.) The exoskeleton can carry up to 200 pounds of gear without transferring any of the weight to the user. The user can run, march, crawl, and pretty much behave as a soldier should— just don’t ask him to jump or to cross a muddy field.

Handicapped people should also benefit greatly from this.

And we have competition in the exoskeleton business— here’s Raytheon’s more gorilloid version. Observe the operator’s moves based on the Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em Robots.

And, of course, here’s the Total Geek Version.

Thai June 1, 2008 at 2:39 am

That is just sooooo cool!

And sorry I didn’t put 2 and 2 together– the Balticon meeting you were at (and certainly Antietam) are just up the road from me (I live in Bethesda MD)– If you do plan to visit the DC area again, please let me know and I’ll buy you dinner.



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