Meet Norbert

by wjw on August 19, 2008

This is Norbert the NORAD bear, who I purchased in the gift shop at Cheyenne Mountain.
Norbert had the time of his life at Worldcon, where I took him to several parties, and where many attractive ladies wearing fuzzy ears on their heads wanted to kiss him.
Norad contains the launch codes that will bring about the end of the world.
Isn’t he cute?
tcastleb August 19, 2008 at 6:43 am

Awww, Norbert! Good to see him again. :>)

Lawrence M. Schoen August 19, 2008 at 1:03 pm

Ah, and now you know the real reason I work the convention with a buffalito on my shoulder. It’s not about self-promotion at all, it’s because he’s a babe magnet.

birdhousefrog August 19, 2008 at 1:14 pm

Norbert. Soon to be tuckerized, no doubt.


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