
by wjw on February 12, 2009

So this morning I was drawing a bath and left the room and when I came back Charlie was looking like this.
After I finished laughing and loudly mocking his clumsiness and dancing around with joy I ran for the camera, but he wouldn’t sit still for a photo, so I stole this pic from elsewhere on the Internet, where it seems not to be in copyright.
But he really did look like this. Really.
Lance Larka February 12, 2009 at 3:46 am

Next time try putting the cat in a hosiery bag.
We have 2 cats and one is a bruiser! 20lbs and needle sharp claws willing to use them.

Giving a bath is a real bitch. But when we put ‘little’ Stewie in the bag and I wear my heavy leather work gloves we can give him a bath with no stitches needed.

Then we laugh for an hour as he wanders around in a tiff 🙂

Sean Craven February 12, 2009 at 3:55 am


There’s no freude like schadenfreude.

And I speak as one who recently suggested that there is a German word for the feeling of dissapointment in the canned meats of one’s youth.

Sean Craven February 12, 2009 at 3:57 am

Holy Smokes!

I just finished reading the fourth book of Jack Vance’s Demon Princes series last night. Lance Larka sounds a lot like Lens Larque to me…

dubjay February 12, 2009 at 4:07 am

Better look out! Kirth Gersen may be just behind you!

Dave Bishop February 12, 2009 at 9:57 am

I vividly remember the day my own cat (‘Amaryllis’ – now, sadly, deceased) slipped into the bath. She attempted to walk all the way round the bathtub but was unable to negotiate the section next to the wall. As a result she slipped in – but I managed to grab her and only her bottom half got wet. Her front half was dry but her back half was all bedraggled and skinny.
As she stalked out of the room in a ‘huff’ she delicately shook each back leg in turn. I doubt whether my hysterical laughter improved her mood!

Ralf the Dog February 12, 2009 at 2:42 pm

Dave, you are a braver man than I. Reaching in and grabbing a cat as it hits the water? I am glad you have all your parts attached.

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