Special Cool TINAG Web Page!

by wjw on March 19, 2009

Orbit has created a special web page just for This Is Not a Game. There are descriptions of the book, a thrilling excerpt, and a special surprise Not a Game, which I won’t spoil by giving away here.

Elsewhere in cyberspace, Sci Fi Wire has reviewed TINAG:

“Dagmar Shaw is our main protagonist in this novel, which combines droll satire, cyber-fu knowingness, ingenious extrapolation, social commentary and techno-thriller suspense. A washed-up fantasy writer, Dagmar designs ARGs–Alternate Reality Games–at the behest of her billionaire boss, Charlie Ruff. But the latest ARG, The Long Night of Brianna Hall, is manifesting some strange real-world repercussions. When people around Dagmar start dying, she realizes that more is at stake than just a paycheck derived through fantasy role-playing.

“Williams’ dialogue is razor-sharp, his plotting breakneck, his eye for trends keen and his empathy with his characters deep. He allots equal time to the emotional development of Dagmar and the book’s conceptual brain candy. She emerges from this tale changed, but with her core values reinforced. A reluctant hero for our era, she proves that wit and geekdom trump brute force and greed . . . “

There you have it! Geekdom triumphs! Let the celebrations begin!

Ty March 19, 2009 at 10:17 pm

But what if you combine your geekdom AND brute force into one unbeatable cocktail?

Congrats on the site, very cool. Looks like they are giving this book the publicity it deserves.

Ty March 19, 2009 at 10:22 pm

Reading the excerpt reminded me that I LOVE that I got to be Chatsworth Osborne Jr. 🙂

Kelly March 19, 2009 at 10:36 pm

I’ve ordered my copy. YAY!

Ralf the Dog March 20, 2009 at 3:51 am

Fantastic review. If you are not careful, you will break into the top of the mainstream book market.

PS. I like those names.

“Dagmar” sounds like Dawgmar. How about Charlie Ruff? So easy to say, Ruff!

I am quite glad your book turned out to be a dog.

john_appel March 20, 2009 at 3:10 pm

My copy arrived from Amazon the other day, but my first chance to read it came last night. Next thing I knew, I was halfway through but it was 1 AM. Will definitely polish it off this weekend. (Would do tonight if it wasn’t for the BSG finale.)

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