The Best Turkish Story Ever!

by wjw on April 14, 2009

Still in Turkey, having a great time. Heard this story and needed to share.

There are a lot of people here from Down Under. Aussies and Kiwis have a strange affinity for this country— they come for vacation and stay for years, marry the locals, and often end up in the hospitality industry.

There was this Aussie living in Selçuk, where he earned a living dealing with electronics. The local muezzin, who was pretty lazy, hired him to set up a system where he could record the prayer calls and play them automatically at the appropriate times. (Theyre supposed to be sung live.)

The system was set up. The muezzin was happy. He went on vacation, leaving the Aussie in charge.

Next morning, the town awakened at 5am to the sound of ‘Highway to Hell’ being broadcast from the minarets of every mosque in town.

Nothing actually happened to the Aussie. Turns out that it isn’t actually illegal to play ‘Highway to Hell’ on the PA.

The muezzin, however, was fined for not doing his job.

Lance Larka April 15, 2009 at 8:44 pm


My Turkish friends would have loved to be there for that 🙂 Hell, so would I!!!

Foxessa April 16, 2009 at 12:56 am

You were there when president Obama was. How cool was that!

Love, c.

dubjay April 16, 2009 at 4:55 pm

The Turks are deeply impressed by Obama. They like him a lot.

That said, it was annoying having half the city of Ankara closed to us so that he could motorcade along.

saladinahmed April 17, 2009 at 5:55 pm

Heh. “For those about to Salat, we salute you!”

ooijj April 18, 2009 at 10:15 pm

as an aussie who’s spent a lot of time in turkey (my partner has a sun dried tomato producing company very close to Selcuk) i LOVE this story – and would love to meet the guy responsible. highway to hell is one of my fave accadacca somgs 🙂

devinish April 23, 2009 at 5:45 pm

Ahh, I was meant to be vacationing in Istanbul right now. I decided to push it back for later in the summer…I was afraid it would be too rainy and still too cold in April.

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