More Childhood Nightmates

by wjw on August 20, 2009

Another insane cartoon from the Fleischer Studios!

Betty Boop kidnaped by cannibals! Bimbo sweats away! KoKo menaced by Giant Floating Louis Armstrong Head! Exploding volcanos! Inappropriate racial stereotypes!

The question isn’t whether this sort of thing warped me for life. The question is: How did people grow up watching this kind of thing and turn out normal?

p-dub August 21, 2009 at 1:58 am

That kinda sorta depends on your definition of "normal," Mr. Williams.

qtera August 23, 2009 at 2:45 am

You know – Seeing this makes me wish that Louis Armstrong and his band were in all my dreams. Even his disembodied head… as long as he is singing and playing.

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