For a minute there, I thought they were going to keep the US title, but on further inspection I see the book has been retitled Off. I’m not sure what this has to do with anything, nor do I remember any carp in the book.
But hey, I’m stoked, so I’m not, you know, carping. (I had to say that before Larry Hodges did.)
I think they were angling for the sportsman market. I agree, there was something fishy about the cover.
A take off (uhm, yeah don't even try to pardon the pun) on turning off the computer and actually talking FTF? 😉
Perhaps the cover would also work for Finland.
If you don't mind my going back to your question, "How can Walter get more fame and money?" I have been thinking about that and I have been feeling a bit guilty about the flip answers I gave you.
One problem your writing style may have for the general market is, you throw in lots of new concepts. Many readers may be intimidated by too many "New" ideas. Try taking one new idea and extrapolating it as far as you can.
The only new idea to many readers in TINAG was the ARG. Aristoi, for many readers, had three new concepts per word (Don't get me wrong, I think Aristoi was your best book. I just question the number of readers ready to read it.)
The other issue with mass publication is relatability between the characters and the readers. Of the people in our culture who retain the ability to read, Most can relate to a young hot chick that has trouble at work. Few can relate to some guy who has multiple personalities, is the supreme leader of many worlds, Likes to write Operas and tosses around words from 65863 dead languages in conversation.
Now that I think of it, Gabriel would make a great super villain.
The Germans have a tendency to retitle books — they've done it to 50% of mine so far.
Ralf the Dog: new concepts don't seem to have hurt my book sales. (In fact, the low-density work seems to sell worse.)
Incidentally, am I the only person to have noticed what happened to the banking sector in the real world, and the banking sector in Eve Online, and to be getting a little twitchy?
I must admit I don't know what happened to Eve's economy. Bear raiding or worse?
I must also admit that I don't need an online game to get me worried about the banking sector.
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