The Obligatory Hugo Pimping Topic

by wjw on January 28, 2010

I notice that other writers are out in the blogosphere doing what they do best: working hard to get folks to give them awards.

Yes!!! It’s Hugo Nomination Time!

I’ve never pimped for awards (at least, not in such a public place). I’ve always made the assumption that you know damn well what I’ve published, and therefore have an obligation to vote for my works, so that any awards I win will reflect glory upon you all.

I have to admit, however, that this approach doesn’t seem to be working for me, particularly in regard to the Hugos. I was first nominated for a Hugo in 1988, and I’ve been nominated any number of times in the years since, and I’ve yet to win. Over twenty years is long enough to wait, don’t you think?

I have therefore decided to take matters in hand and give you comprehensive instructions in this matter.

First, check out the Hugo Nomination page at the Aussicon 4 website. You’re eligible to vote if you have at least a supporting membership at Aussicon, or if you were a member of Anticipation, last year’s Worldcon in Montreal.

If you don’t fit either of these categories, you should (a) get a supporting membership to Aussicon, or (b) mug someone who’s eligible, and steal their ballot.

Once you’ve got a ballot, your task is relatively easy, because I only published two things in 2009. Here’s the information you need to properly fill out the ballot:


THIS IS NOT A GAME, Orbit Books, April 2009.


“Abrazonde,” SONGS FROM THE DYING EARTH, Ed. Martin & Dozois, Subterranean Press/Harper 2009.

Don’t let the fact that “Abrazonde” was set in Jack Vance’s universe stop you from nominating it. After all, people will vote for BATTLESTAR GALACTICA even though the original series was a total ripoff of George Lucas and Erich von Daniken. (And besides, mine was an hommage, not a ripoff. And a damn good hommage, if you ask me.)

You may then add any other works to the ballot that you like, providing that they’re written by authors obscure enough that I have a chance of beating them. (For God’s sake don’t nominate anything by Connie Willis or Neil Gaiman. Those guys are so popular that they’ll trample me into the dust!)

Follow these instructions faithfully, and soon you’ll be able to bask in the reflection of my shiny new Hugo award!

Fail, and we’re doomed to another disappointing award season, in which totally unworthy writers are given awards that rightfully belong to me.

The choice is clear— glory, or sad disappointment. It’s all up to you!

john_appel January 29, 2010 at 4:54 pm

The AussieCon website isn't the most clear (do I have to download the PDF and do the PayPal? etc.) but $50 USD isn't too bad to pitch for Walter, the Foglios (Best Graphic Story) and a few others.

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