What? Friday Already?

by wjw on June 4, 2010

Friday already?

It has been a very busy week. The next weeks are likely to be busier.

For the last few days I’ve been busy with so many things.

  • The runup to Taos Toolbox, the master class in writing that I’ll be running for the next two weeks.
  • The quarterly organizational meeting at the karate school, usually lasting much of the day (I had to bail early).
  • Requalifying for my black belt, later today.
  • Preparing a proposal for a Sekrit Projekt, about which I may be able to tell you later.
  • Writing the novel, which of course I must do no matter how many other activities beset me.
  • Trying to find a place to stay in Seattle for the Science Fiction Hall of Fame ceremony later in the month, where I will be giving a speech at the induction of Roger Zelazny.

All of which means that I may be a little scarce around here for a while, and the ratio of content vs. silly Youtube videos may drop to an even lower number than it is now.

I hope to return you to your regular programming some time in July.

dubjay June 5, 2010 at 4:26 am

Felt I did really well on the belt requalification, for whatever that's worth.

Leon June 5, 2010 at 7:20 am

So I just finished reading Isle of the Dead, which I somehow was one of the two Zelazny novels I ended up never reading previously, and upon some introspection, I'm curious if you ever showed Zelazny Aristoi and how he felt toward it?

dubjay June 5, 2010 at 7:59 am

I don't know whether Roger read Aristoi or not. I know he liked other of my work.

Authors learn quickly never to ask if their friends have read their books. The answer all too often disappoints.

Mark June 5, 2010 at 5:02 pm

What's involved in requaIifying for your blackbelt? Our schools only require continuous practice for rank and the possibility of promotion.

Seattle accommodations: look into the Gas Light Inn in the Capitol Hill neighborhood. The neighborhood is walkable and it's in striking distance of downtown by bus or foot.

Mathew June 6, 2010 at 4:21 pm

Mr. Williams, I'd suggest the Mayflower Park in downtown Seattle if your looking for a place to stay. It's attached to the Westlake Center monorail station, which take you directly to Seattle Center & the EMP / SFHF

halojones-fan June 7, 2010 at 12:31 am

Shades of Taikoen?


Study shows link between physical response and empathetic understanding of emotion–and that people treated with Botox injections have reduced empathetic response.

Bryan June 7, 2010 at 9:20 pm

For Seattle, I have always had good luck with Priceline. I have picked 4 star and gotten the Westin for $89 a night on weekdays and $99 on weekends. It is near Westlake as well, so taking the Monorail is easy.

That deal is not always available, however, but my wife just got the W hotel for $109.

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