Egg Salad

by wjw on August 23, 2010

So I saw What’s Up, Tiger Lily?, the Woody Allen film about a bunch of Japanese spies running around looking for the world’s greatest egg salad recipe.  This inspired me to make some egg salad, which I ate on a bagel for lunch.

But this started me thinking: What is the world’s greatest egg salad recipe?

Mine is pretty basic, with eggs, mustard, diced onion, and mayonnaise.  I understand that many recipes leave out the mustard and the onion.

What’s your greatest recipe?  Maybe we can have an egg-off!

Jane August 23, 2010 at 11:31 pm

Mine’s even more basic: egg and Miracle Whip (maybe some black pepper if I want to fuss over it). Now, cole slaw, that might have 10 ingredients.

Bryan August 24, 2010 at 12:15 am

We add some bacon to our egg salad. It really kicks up the flavor. Plus, you have to have the mustard.

Shash August 25, 2010 at 2:37 am

Sometimes I throw in a bit of dill weed. Sometimes a bit of finely chopped celery for the crunch of it (organic for the flavor). It must have black pepper and I use chives instead of onions. Try it with some chipotle or cajun spice to kick it up. Or try hot Hungarian paprika (not the sweet stuff).

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