On to Columbus!

by wjw on October 26, 2010

Have I mentioned that I will be spending this coming weekend in Columbus, OH?

No?  Careless of me, that.

Halloween weekend is the World Fantasy Convention. I will be in attendance along with a whole bucketload of writers, editors, publishers, and artists.  So if you’d like to meet a favorite author or get a book signed, this is a good place to be.

I’ll be on a couple programming items.  Here is my schedule, as always subject to change.

8PM Thursday. Panel B04: Fantasy As a Rejection of the Present. Theodora Goss, Walter
Jon Williams (m), Nancy Jane Moore, Val Grimm

10AM Friday. Panel A04: Fantasy Gun Control. Walter Jon Williams, Charles Gannon
(m), Elizabeth Bunce, Lee Martindale, Ian Drury

These are actually darn good panel topics, if you ask me.  (Though why they put me on anything at ten in the morning is beyond reason.)

But good as these topics are, they may not be enough for the panel to talk about for a whole hour.  Which, dear readers, is where you come in.  We need informed, intelligent people in the audience to ask good questions and to participate in the answers.  Do by all means drop everything you are doing and come to Columbus this weekend.   You’ll have a good time.  Really.

Matt October 27, 2010 at 1:52 am

There ought to be a story about America Discovering Columbus in there somewhere.

Phiala October 27, 2010 at 10:58 am

Dropping and running as instructed!

By which I mean that I made travel plans months ago.

But I won’t be arriving until mid-Friday, so I’ll miss both your panels.

Oz October 27, 2010 at 11:12 am

What a shame I have to miss WFC, but the kid still considers Halloween one of her most important holidays. And there’s this little matter of an audit as well. Not for me, for a client. And not a return I prepared.

Glen Engel-Cox October 27, 2010 at 10:55 pm

Missing you by two days, it looks like. We’re flying out of Columbus tomorrow, to NY, then back to Malaysia.

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