Whereat I Am

by wjw on October 15, 2010

I haven’t been posting a lot here in the last couple weeks, and there are a couple reasons for that.

First, I’ve been correcting page proofs for Deep State, my next novel and the sequel to This Is Not a Game, available in the US and UK next February wherever fine books are sold.

Second, I’m madly trying to finish Mister Baby Head, the sequel to Deep State, which is due at the end of the month.  I’m on track, but it’s absorbing most of my energy and attention, and will almost certainly absorb more as the days count down.

So in other words, I can’t be here to entertain you because I’m working incredibly hard to entertain you in the future.  That’s me: selfless and energetic.

So bear with me.  I’ll try to post something amusing when I can.

Ralf the Dog October 15, 2010 at 10:18 pm


We all love having you around, but we are all also waiting on the edge of our seats for your next masterwork. Take as long away from the boards as you need.

We want more of your stories NOW!


Your adoring slave drivers.

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