Baby Head to Bed

by wjw on November 20, 2010

So I have now delivered Mister Baby Head (otherwise known as Dagmar III).

So I’m going off to celebrate.  Drink some champagne, maybe.  Or maybe just sleep around the clock.

Check you later.

Ralf the Dog November 20, 2010 at 9:10 am

This is not a trilogy?

I can’t wait for II and III to hit the market.

It is a strange feeling when you finish off a large project. For me it is a mixture of relief and guilt. Relief because I can stop worrying about deadlines. Guilt because I feel like I need to be frantically pounding out code. There is also the sinking feeling when the project is out of your hands. I should have done this. That does not work like it should…

Get some rest and have some fun. You deserve it.

Jean-Daniel Breque November 20, 2010 at 3:26 pm

Whaddayamean–Dagmar III?
I’m still waiting for Dagmar II in order to translate it.

Shash November 21, 2010 at 8:24 pm

Can’t wait!

Ralf the Dog November 21, 2010 at 10:20 pm

If you are recovered in time, I thought I might invite you to a traditional Irish Orthodox Thanksgiving.

Irish Orthodox Thanksgiving is celebrated on the Tuesday of the last Thursday in November. It is traditionally celebrated at McDonalds. The celebration involves the priest and two helpers singing short songs in a language no one understands. The congregation sings responses we don’t understand back. After the singing, those in attendance eat a small amount of low quality food. No alcohol. is allowed.

The purpose of Irish Orthodox Thanksgiving is to make us thankful for the after party.

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