Endeavor Awaits . . .

by wjw on April 27, 2011

Endeavor is waiting down at Launch Pad 39A.

Waiting for me, among a few other people.

I’ll be viewing the launch from the VIP area, as a guest of Col. Mike Fincke, with whom I had a brief conversation three years ago when he was commanding the International Space Station.  This year Colonel Fincke will be on board Endeavor as a mission specialist, where he will get to do no less than three spacewalks!

President Obama and his entire family will also be attending, along with Rep. Gabrielle Gifford, whose husband Mark Kelly commands the shuttle.

(I hope they get a good view, since I’m sure they’ll have to slog through the vast crowds seeking my autograph.)

If I get some good pictures I’ll post them, but otherwise I’m probably outta here till next week.

wjw April 27, 2011 at 5:31 am

Some days I so freakin’ love my job . . .

Chris Mills April 27, 2011 at 7:30 am

Awesome! I have always wanted to feel the sound of the STS lifting off.

Have fun!

Shash April 27, 2011 at 10:44 pm


Dave Bishop April 29, 2011 at 3:58 pm

All I can say is that you must have wrestled with your conscience: “Shall I watch the shuttle launch .. or shall I watch the British Royal Wedding on TV?”

Funnily enough I seem to have missed the Royal Wedding … Oh dear!

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