Dragoncon Schedule

by wjw on September 1, 2011

I am off to Dragoncon at the unfortunate hour of 6:25am.  Fortunately it’s a nonstop flight and I can sleep the whole way.  This is the fourth convention in a row for me, and I’m surprised I can stay on my feet.

Here’s my schedule.  I seem to be mainly on alternate history panels, but there’s a whole hour where you can ask me anything you like.

After all this travel, I may be too beat up to understand the questions, though.

Title: A-Viking We Will Go!
Time: Fri 04:00 pm Location: International BC – Westin (Length: 1)
Description: Helmets with horns? Longboats? Pillaging? Gods of thunder? We all know the popular myths–learn the real history, legends, and lore. 

Title: The Regency Era: Myth and Reality
Time: Sun 02:30 pm Location: International BC – Westin (Length: 1)
Description: A discussion of the era immortalized in the works of Jane Austen, Patrick O’Brian and others and its enduring popularity.

Title: Ask the Authors
Time: Sun 05:30 pm Location: A706 – Marriott (Length: 1)
Description: Have a burning question for your favorite authors? They’ll be here to talk to you!

Katy September 7, 2011 at 5:25 pm

Darn, wish I had made it to Dragoncon this year and had a chance to meet you! I finally managed to get my hands on the Dread Empire’s Fall trilogy … only … a couple dozen more of your books to go … LOL

Hope you had fun in ATL! The last time I was at DragonCon I ended up crippling myself for days afterward, but it’s a fun bunch of folks 🙂 Again, I hate I missed you while you were so close – would have loved to have met a person whose writing obsesses me so much (and all I’ve read is a single, short story!)

wjw September 7, 2011 at 7:04 pm

Wow, Katy, I hope everything else lives up to that short story!

Sorry to have missed you. Next time for sure.

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