Aristoi Update

by wjw on April 4, 2012

Aristoi is now available for the Nook.  Enjoy.

I found the whole business of creating the cover, making multiple conversions, and uploading to various sites taxing enough that I failed to mention exactly what it was that I uploaded.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I had been trying manfully to duplicate in e-formats the unique two-column text of Aristoi, and asked for help from the Group Mind.  You all rose brilliantly to the occasion, but unfortunately all your technical expertise was for nought.  Though e-readers do in fact accept tables, they do not display them well.  With your help, I created web pages with the text displayed legibly and attractively, but once they were converted into actual Kindle and epub format, they looked awful.  Either they were illegible, or they were very, very distracting.

So I have rewritten the sections of Aristoi that utilized multiple columns into a single smooth column that, I hope, will read well.

So it’s almost a new book!  Hope you like it.

Friend of the Blog Ralf T. Dog was extremely useful on this ultimately futile quest, and so he receives a signed copy of the Night Shade edition of Hardwired by way of thanks.

And speaking of crowdsourcing, does anyone by any chance have a scan of Ambassador of Progress, or any of the Privateers and Gentlemen books I wrote early in my career as “Jon Williams?”  Odd that my privateer books have not been pirated: you’d think they’d be a natural for it.

Next up: Metropolitan and City on Fire.

Mat E April 4, 2012 at 5:23 am

Woo Hoo for Aiah & Constantine!! Pretty excited for Gabriel as well!

Anonymous April 4, 2012 at 12:28 pm

> So it’s almost a new book!

Well, how about a new Aristoi book, then?

Twenty years down the road now, surely you have something bubbling around in your head, wanting to escape…

DensityDuck April 4, 2012 at 5:03 pm

“Next up: Metropolitan and City on Fire.”

And possibly a third book, one about the adventures of Nonstanine and Naiah, who use the magic energy known as Notsm?

Ralf The Dog. April 4, 2012 at 5:44 pm

Thanks, it is one of my all time favorite books. I do feel quite guilty for taking payment when the project was not a success.

Ralf The Dog. April 5, 2012 at 3:59 am


perhaps a book in the Aristoi universe, however, from the perspective of Captain Yuan. I think a story from the time of the fall of Earth could be quite cool.

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