Tamale Season

by wjw on December 24, 2012

I haven’t been posting much the last few days, but that’s because I’ve been having Holiday Fun, which mainly involves meeting with friends, then eating and drinking too much.

Plus of course there’s all the maintenance I needed to do around the house when I was traveling, and now need to do now that I’m back.

And then there was the Annual Holiday Plumbing Emergency, in which I have to try to get a plumber to turn up in the holiday season when they all have many better things to do.  (This happens every year.)  But lo! a highly trained technician from PCH turned up within 24 hours, fixed the problem in jig time, and only charged $75.  (As a result, I highly recommend PCH to anyone within easy driving distance of Peralta, NM.)

All of which is perhaps an overly roundabout way of wishing you all a good holiday season.  If you’re New Mexican, I wish you the tastiest of tamales and posole, and the brightest of luminarias.  If you’re from Minnesota, I wish you the blandest possible lutefisk and the sweetest of dessert lefse. And if you’re from a different holiday tradition, I wish you all success in implementing that particular tradition, whatever it may be.

Though if it doesn’t involve tamales and posole and setting fire to things, I’m just a little bit sorry for you.

John F. MacMichael December 25, 2012 at 8:18 am

A Merry Christmas to you Mr. Williams.

It would be an interesting anthropological exercise to survey the different holidays around the world that involve fire as a central element and compare them to those that do the same with water.

Ralf The Dog. December 25, 2012 at 9:24 pm

Not being in NYC this year, I enacted a one time fire tradition of BBQ in the middle of a snow/sleet storm. I will need to enact a second tradition of burning off the calories on the elliptical.

I hope you, your food, your ethanol and your plumbing have the best of holidays.

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