Leaping to the Fore

by wjw on September 17, 2013

Since the weather report promised sun, I’ve gone up to the Ski Valley for some face time with Mother Nature.  But the weather report was a trifle, um, optimistic, and my nature time has been kinda drowned out in a fairly literal way.

I’ve been indoors a lot.

I don’t have much to report, so please enjoy this pole-dancing video.

Since pole-dancing videos aren’t exactly common in this space, allow me to introduce it properly.  The dancer is recent Taos Toolbox grad Ken Kao, writer, parkour enthusiast, and the People’s Choice winner at the recent pole dance championship in Las Vegas.  He also came in second in the Men’s Division.

Not an expert here, but I gather that the leap at 0:46 has never been done before.

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