In the Strait

by wjw on November 2, 2013

sulawesi01After 44 hours of airplanes, airports, a bus ride on a Third World road, a voyage on a Third World boat, I made it to my current location just in time for the sun to set behind the local volcano.

I’m going to wash off the travel and go to bed.

John F. MacMichael November 3, 2013 at 9:58 am

Gorgeous view.
In one of Jack Vance’s novels (“The Brave Free Men”?) he has a footnote explaining how in one of his invented societies the ability to appreciate and appraise the beauty of sunsets is an essential requirement for a cultivated gentleman. Part of is an elaborate vocabulary to distinguish the various types of sunsets. Things like this snapshot make me wish we had such words in our language.
Typical of Vance that he would toss off a concept like that in a footnote!

Arno November 6, 2013 at 1:49 pm

I am nearly sure it was one of the ALASTOR novels.

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