Stirring Sea-Saga Sale!

by wjw on January 4, 2014

brig_of_warMy historical sea-adventure tale Brig of War is now on sale for a mere $0.99 wherever fine ebooks are sold!

Which is to say Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, iBooks, and Smashwords.

(I’ve got to say, Apple doesn’t make it easy to find my stuff.  If you type in my name, it will say “no results found,” though down on the bottom of the page it will display some audio books.  If you click on one of the audio books, and then from there click on my name, the actual ebooks will pop up, or some of them anyway.  This is a very strange way to run an online retail outlet.)

David D. Levine January 4, 2014 at 4:48 pm

There’s no question that iBooks is the weirdest and hardest to use of the online book stores, but I typed your name in the search box at the top of iTunes (Mac) in the iTunes Store and it did find your books.

You can also use this as a link to your page on the iBooks store:

wjw January 4, 2014 at 8:20 pm

That’s weird. When I use the search box, it says “no results” but displays the audio books at the bottom of the page, where people won’t see it.

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