Taos Toolbox: the IRS Edition

by wjw on March 8, 2014

Taos-LogosmallI haven’t been posting much, because for the last week or so I’ve been wrangling all my tax information, all the cheeks and the stubs and the little receipts, into a form coherent enough for my accountant to make sense of.   It’s the kind of repetitious detail work that I’m not at all good at, and it leaves me with a backache from bending over the table sorting out little bits of paper, and I get short-tempered and I curse a lot when I can’t find the receipt I know I had just a minute ago, and I curse myself because I didn’t keep better records months ago, when it would have been easier.

But it has to be said that, if you’re a writer, this is the exact problem you actually want to have.  If you have to labor with your taxes every year, it means you have an income from writing.

At Taos Toolbox, we take your professional aspirations seriously, and we do our best to put you on a track where you, too, can spend a week every year cursing little receipts and screaming aloud at the absurd judgments of Quicken.  Because, hey, you’ll be earning money from writing.

Taos Toolbox, the master class for science fiction and fantasy, taught this year by Nancy Kress, Walter Jon Williams, and special lecturer Ian Tregillis.  If you’re serious about your writing, this is where you want to be.

And oddly enough, there are still a few places left for the ambitious and talented among you.

John Appel March 12, 2014 at 2:30 am

Save me a seat in 2015. Both the manuscript and the budget are on track for next year. 🙂

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