I am NPR’d

by wjw on September 10, 2014

Last week NPR ran a piece on the Hachette-Amazon controversy, and I was one of the authors interviewed.  The interview ran for about an hour, but the piece as aired cut my contribution down to three sentences.  (This is two sentences longer than my usual quote on national media.)

I was told that I’d be informed when the piece ran, but somehow the news went astray.  Which is also typical.

If you’ve got four minutes to spare, I’d suggest listening to the actual audio rather than reading the summary.  Not simply because you’ll be stirred to your soul by the sound of my manly voice, but because the audio piece is longer and features more interviews.

Foxessa September 10, 2014 at 11:49 pm

I missed that, but have now caught up with it, thanks to your heads-up. You are right at the top — well, after Stephen Colbert.

I have been buying books at a bricks and mortar store this year — and not a single purchase for a book has been made online.

Partly this is because the indie, McNally Jackson, is so close to our apartment, and on the way to or back from the local library branch to where my ILL are sent. Partly though, it’s because I will NOT buy from amazilla. But I wasn’t buying from amazilla for years.

The thing about M-J, is I can just phone them if I want something and they’ll tell if it’s on the shelves. They’ll order it for me if it’s not. They’d mail it to me too, or even send someone over with as I’m in the neighborhood, but as they’re so close, that’s not necessary. Except I broke my elbow in January, and for a while, actually it was necessary!

In other words it’s at least as convenient as amazilla, and a lot more fun, as well as more active and it sure is f2f.

Love, C.

wjw September 11, 2014 at 2:15 am

I think personal service is what will really save local bookstores. Amazon has next-day service, but a bookstore can offer same-day service . Just send some minimum-wage worker on a moped.

Hey, if it works for Pizza Hut . . .

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