Review Via Telescope

by wjw on September 4, 2014

3005002_1Readers of The Rift might remember the appearance at crucial moments of an Astroscan telescope, which featured in a number of different plot elements.  I made full use of its unconventional appearance, its general durability, and its more-than-passing resemblance to a trench mortar.

I am therefore delighted to note that Norman Sperling, the co-creator of the Astroscan, has reviewed The Rift on his blog!  (Favorably, needless to say.)

I’ve never been reviewed by one of my own plot elements before.  Suffice it to say that I’m finding it pretty cool.


Corie Weaver September 4, 2014 at 3:57 pm

I still have that telescope, in an easy to grab place for random cool things in the sky. Never had to rely on its resemblance to a trench mortar, though!

Paul Cooper September 4, 2014 at 7:51 pm

You didn’t mention that, not only did one of your plot elements review you, but that he really liked you, and he gave you high marks for your research. That tops pretty cool. It may go all the way to really neat.

Will England September 9, 2014 at 6:43 pm

Great review – haven’t seen this book before, so I bought it. Thanks!

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