
by wjw on September 18, 2014

I’ve been spending long hours updating my web page, which is the sort of task that makes me wish I had an assistant— at least to handle the foul language, because that’s the most repetitive part of the process.

While I continue to wrestle WordPress into submission, please enjoy this composite picture of the solar eclipse I viewed back in November of 2012.  I tried to upload this photo then, but the ship was having such bandwidth problems that uploading anything but mere text proved impossible.

Please enjoy, belated though that enjoyment might be.



Urban September 18, 2014 at 11:14 am

Only seen one and it wasn’t full.
It taught me how to study sunspots with a telescope by absolutely NOT looking through it. Is this photographed directly through a filter?

Steinar Bang September 18, 2014 at 9:02 pm

Out of curiosity: what wordpress version are you running on?
Self-hosted? Or on wordpress.com?

wjw September 19, 2014 at 1:53 am

Urban, I’m using a filter and telephoto lens for the partial parts of the eclipse. For the total eclipse I take the filter off. (I built my own solar filter out of mylar, cardboard, and duct tape.)

Generally speaking the sun will let you know when you can look at it directly.

Steinar, I’m version 3 point something, self-hosted, haven’t upgraded to 4.0 yet. The upgrade wasn’t difficult, just complicated and time-consuming. But now finished, hurrah.

TRX September 19, 2014 at 10:37 am

Both of us are old enough to remember party lines and punch cards. And you’re complaining because you had poor bandwidth when you’re using a freakin’ satellite to bounce data into a global information network, using a computer small enough to carry.

Harrumph! Next you’ll be complaining about chipping ice out of the freezer…

Back some years ago, James Lileks commented on driving past a Soviet-style public housing block in Minneapolis and seeing the forest of satellite dishes pointing south. It wasn’t the flashy Gernsback-style future he’d imagined as a kid, but it was a future where even poor people might grab color TV from a satellite…

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