Episode Three Goes Live!

by wjw on October 1, 2014

Cover3Episode Three of the Hardwired serial is now live at iBooks, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, and Smashwords.

If you have the first two installments, you’ll want this one!

Episode Three comes with special bonus content, an essay explaining why the term “panzerboy” has to do with Belgian butter smugglers.

DensityDuck October 3, 2014 at 3:11 am

Hey! I’ll buy that for the essay.

I did a podcast on “Hardwired” with some friends, and I managed (through about two hours of Googling) to find a newspaper article with a reference to it…that I now cannot find again. 😛

DensityDuck October 16, 2014 at 5:48 am

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