Mystery Plane Contest!

by wjw on January 21, 2015

aeroThe Dread Empire’s Fall audio books, comprising The Praxis, The Sundering, and Conventions of War, have just been released.

I’ve got some free downloads of the complete set to give away, and the first set will go to the first person who can identify this aircraft.

Sorry about the quality of the photograph.  It was the best I could do on the day.

The insert on the lower right, besides masking a sign identifying the plane, shows the aircraft’s distinctive nose.

And yes, that’s a Lewis gun mounted up top, to fire over the propeller.

Good luck!

And if your specialization doesn’t happen to be the early history of combat aircraft, don’t despair!  More contests will follow!

Brian Borchers January 21, 2015 at 11:14 pm

Is it a Bristol Mark 1?

wjw January 21, 2015 at 11:26 pm

Nope. ‘Fraid not.

wjw January 21, 2015 at 11:30 pm

The mystery has been solved by a fan writing in on Facebook!

The plane is a Caproni CA20, built in 1914. It’s literally a one-of-a-kind, the only model ever made of the world’s first fighter aircraft. It was submitted to the Italian government, which decided to build a bomber instead.

The prototype sat in a barn for decades until it was discovered and bought by an air museum in Seattle.

Joshua July 19, 2015 at 9:38 pm

Very cool to hear about the Dread Empire audiobooks…does the recording of audiobooks so long after publication mean there’s any chance your publisher has regained interested in contracting more books or selling you the rights to the series so you can write more independently?

wjw July 20, 2015 at 6:09 pm

What this means is that I have a new agent who’s more interested in audio rights than previous agents.

Publishers continue to lack serious interest in the series, but that means I just have to write the stuff myself, in my spare time. Stand by for an announcement, but I should forewarn yu that it isn’t a =BIG= announcement.

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