Dan Is The Man

by wjw on February 12, 2015

implied_Spaces_smallI am pleased, and not a little astounded, to report that Dan Dos Santos, who painted the original cover for Implied Spaces some years ago, has very kindly allowed me to use the painting on my ebook.  For free.  Because he’s an awesomely nice guy.

Neither he nor I have the rights to the original cover design, or the lettering, so I’ll have to do the design myself.  Which is fine, because the original was optimized to be seen on a shelf in a bookstore, and this one has to be optimized  to be reduced to postage-stamp size in an online bookstore and still be legible.

Here’s my first go at it.

I’ll probably tweak it some between now and uploading the new versions of the book, which will happen next week, because I’m leaving for Boskone in a few hours and don’t have the time to mess with it now.

And in the meantime, if anyone meets Dan Dos Santos, please buy him a beer for me, will you?

Gary Gibson February 12, 2015 at 8:38 am

I love that cover. Implied Spaces was the first of your books I bought, and that cover probably had a lot to do with it.

kpacheneg February 12, 2015 at 1:38 pm

That’s awesome, Dan created the best original cover of your catalogue.

While we’re at it, was the sequel hook at the novel’s very end meant to leave room for a follow-up or just to awe us with tantalizing hints to what the characters imagine their future will be? Because, boy howdy, you would need a whole lot of epic to write that sequel.

TJIC February 12, 2015 at 2:33 pm

That was one of the best covers you’ve ever had. Congrats, and major props to Dan for this.

wjw February 13, 2015 at 6:34 pm

kpacheneg>> I have a sequel in mind, though it won’t feature the same characters, and will take place maybe 500 years out.

I realized that I couldn’t write the Storming of Heaven, because there was no way it could match readers’ expectations, so I thought I’d jump clean over that and deal with the ramifications.

Ralf The Dog February 18, 2015 at 1:43 am

I love the picture. It would be cool if the circle had a box around it, with squinches holding it in place.

Even if you bring back no other characters, you should bring back Bitty for a cameo.

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