Nemesis In the House

by wjw on June 8, 2015

9780316217590_p0_v6_s260x420Nemesis Games, the new book by my pal James S.A. Corey, appeared a couple days ago.  I’ve been reading it, and it’s a winner, which I know because I’m having a hard time putting it down.

This is the fifth book in The Expanse, the first book of which is Leviathan Wakes, so you should probably start there.

It’s smart space opera, with an extremely complex and well-worked out future, and with well-developed characters who act not from an excess of genius or self-righteousness, but from a complex mixture of motives that makes their struggles all the more human.

You won’t be disappointed.

mearsk June 8, 2015 at 10:34 am

I’m about half-way through myself. Not so sure about the whole splitting up of the team as their interactions was a part I liked in the earlier stories. It certainly hasn’t been lacking in action, that’s for sure.

wjw June 8, 2015 at 4:53 pm

The theme of this one seems to be Everyone Confronts His/Her Past, so everyone’s split up to do that.

But I’m assuming it’s only to reassemble at the end, and that when it happens it will be awesome.

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