New Package

by wjw on October 13, 2015

kozmicnew05SMALLERIntroducing the new cover for my novel Days of Atonement, which replaces a cover designed in the days when I was fairly new to Photoshop.  I was trying really hard to think of a cover that said, “gothic western science fiction police procedural,” which is what the novel is, and I overthought it and threw in too much stuff and it got overcomplicated and homely.

This one at least gets the “science fiction” and “western” parts, plus it’s a lot prettier.  The fractal design in the center is by the new artist Lance Beaton, whose works dazzled at Bubonicon a couple months ago.

The new volume is available on Amazon, Kobo, B&N, iBooks, and Smashwords, and it’ll be up on Google Play as soon as they get around to doing whatever it is they’re going to do.

The novel, however, is the same novel, so if you have it already, you probably don’t need a new copy unless you really love the new cover.  (You do love the new cover, right?  Look at it closely.  See the pretty stars?  Now listen to my calm, measured, reassuring voice when I tell you how splendid it is, and how badly you need it . . . )

I’m in the process of putting out new editions of all my ebooks, though most of them will keep the same covers.  After a tutorial from indiepub wizard Emily Mah Tippets, I’ll be using Jutoh to put out more, prettier, and better books.

(Jutoh is an amazingly flexible instrument, by the way, but it seems to have been designed by a Martian, and much of it is overcomplicated or counterintuitive.  And then there’s a book about how to use it which has the advantage of not being in Martian, but seems to have left out much of the stuff I actually need to know. So I do recommend a hands-on tutorial by an expert.)

Anyway, I’m hoping a prettier cover will attract more readers to one of my perennial also-rans.  Because I happen to think this is one of my best books, and I want folks to find it and read it.



Chong Go October 17, 2015 at 8:40 pm

Hi, I just got this on Amazon, but it looks like there is a problem with the metadata. No author is listed for this book; instead it gives the name of the “illustrator” ( Lance Beatopn).

I’m looking forward to more books in the Dread Empire series! But it’s a little heart breaking to hear that they’ll be released so slowly. Oh well, they’ll still be coming out!

Chong Go October 17, 2015 at 8:46 pm

By the way, I love Jutoh (although sometimes I have problems setting up the table of contents). And, the programmer has an active discussion group on Yahoo groups and is very quick to reply(he lives in the UK, so sometimes that affects response time.) If he can’t solve your problem by email, he’ll have you email him the Jutoh files to see what went wrong. Probably the most helpful program owner I’ve ever seen.

wjw October 17, 2015 at 11:59 pm

I’ve seen the illustrator listed as author in other lists as well. I don’t know what the hell is up with that! Last I looked at the metadata, I was definitely there.

Chong Go October 18, 2015 at 2:51 am

I’d guess that something went sideways in the set up process. If you(or whomever does this for you) logs in to Kindle Direct Publishing, on the first page for this book, you can click “add a contributor” and add yourself as author. You can also add the name of your own publishing company as well, under the field “publisher”. I’m pretty sure it doesn’t have to be an incorporated entity to do this. This will then show up in the book’s information field on Amazon.

wjw October 18, 2015 at 2:18 pm

See, all I did was add a new file. I didn’t realize I’d been somehow erased from the system. So I have now added myself as “author,” and maybe now I’ll make a couple sales.

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