
by wjw on December 25, 2015

tamalesHere in New Mexico we celebrate the holidays by eating tamales, decorating the graves of our kin, and setting things on fire.

Whatever your solstice tradition may be, may you practice it in joy and peace.

(Though if it doesn’t involve tamales and setting things on fire, I feel just a little bit sorry for you.)

Foxessa December 25, 2015 at 3:51 pm

Indeed, Merry Christmas!

Currently listening to Puerto Rican Christmas music which is all about killing the pig, eating the pig and more and more pork and eating and eating.

All before I begin preparing mine own pork, with cherries and other saucy ingredients. 🙂

And, if we can manage it, christening the beautiful and very fragile set of champagne flutes that were my Prezzie this year — we drank a lot of champagne already, last night, uptown, while dancing, after beginning with K’s splendid sazaracs and red wine at dinner. Don’t know if there’s a need for more champagne tonight . . . .

Love, C.

wjw December 26, 2015 at 2:26 am

Our big social evening was Christmas Eve, with friends and a banquet, including champagne. I’d never had a turducken before, and I’d recommend it to anyone who can’t quite make up their mind what they want to eat.

Xmas day we spent at home, and I cooked a standing rib roast, which was small but should provide enough leftovers to last the week. No champagne as yet, but then I’m working tonight.

Probably my most memorable pork experience was in Indonesia, and involved a whole pig and a lot of Indonesian dishes served family-style. The pork was good, but the cracklins were just about perfect.

Foxessa December 26, 2015 at 1:48 pm

Pork is the perfect feast animal — though probably in ye olden days venison, roasted in the Lord’s Hall giant fireplace worked well too. But they’d have had bullocks roasting too, as well anything else they could think of. Took a lot to feed all those minions and fealtors.

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