Two Goodies

by wjw on December 9, 2015

Sundering05smallMy campaign to make all my work available throughout the world continues with the second of my Praxis books, The Sundering, which is now available as an ebook outside North America for the first time.

Find it at Amazon, Kobo, iBooks, and Google.

(As with previous attempts I’m not 100% confident about the Kobo and iBooks links, because I live in North America, and I’m not allowed to see my own work because I’m not allowed to buy it!  I have to say this is really annoying.)

For those of you who happen to live in North America, the books have been long available, so you can buy them at your regular ebook source (and why wouldn’t you?).

9780692591000_p0_v1_s192x300Meanwhile, the 111th edition of Clarkesworld magazine has been released.  There’s original stories by Hugo-winner Liu Cixin, Seth Dickinson, Tamsyn Muir, and Cassandra Khaw.  Plus a reprint from Sean McMullen, and the Nebula-winning “Daddy’s World” from my ownself.  So if you already own “Daddy’s World” (and why wouldn’t you?), you should check out Clarkesworld for the other stories.  Neil Clarke is a terrific editor, as his fistful of awards will certainly tell you.

You can acquire Clarkesworld at Kobo, Barnes & Noble, iBooks, and Amazon.  (And I’m 100% sure about these addresses.)

So long or short, in North America or out, you have a find selection of Walter Jon Williams to choose from this holiday season.

Clyde December 10, 2015 at 12:56 am

It’s good to see that the “Dread Empire’s Fall” books are getting out to a wider audience. They form a great story.
I bought all three years ago when first published and read them on my Palm Tungsten thingy. IIRC, I got them at a site called Fictionwise, which didn’t seem to care where you lived.
The files at that time were in something called Secure eReader format. Being the kind of person I am, I immediately stripped off the DRM. Conversions forward to epub and mobi formats worked fine; so, I can still read them. (So sorry, no new sale. But, I will recommend the DEF books to my friends.)
My, I do carry on a bit, don’t I? I’ll shut up now.
Nice cover BTW.

wjw December 10, 2015 at 1:49 am

Now I’m wondering who posted that book on Fictionwise, because it wasn’t me. And if it was Harper, they didn’t have the right to sell it outside North America.

Might be interesting to find out, what?

Luke Silburn December 10, 2015 at 4:19 am

The Kobo link looks fine (currently price is £4.03).

You’d have to pay me to use iTunes so I can’t say what the iBook page is like.


Clyde December 10, 2015 at 8:20 am

I made a mistake, a typo, or brainfart or something. It wasn’t three years ago that I bought the DIF trilogy. It was few years before that, around 2007 I think. Sorry.
On further consideration, I probably bought them at Which isn’t a big difference, because I think that site was owned by Fictionwise. They are both long gone now, but they were go to sites back in the early days of ebooks.

Chong Go December 10, 2015 at 9:15 am

The good news (sort of): viewing Kobo books from here in Korea, they are selling the entire Praxis series.

The bad news: they have the old covers, and Harper Collins is listed as the seller.

Here’s the text of the “book details” info:

HarperCollins, October 2009Imprint:
HarperCollins e-books
ISBN:9780061809705Language:EnglishDownload options:EPUB 2 (Adobe DRM)

Feel free to let me know if you need screen shots of this.

Chong Go December 10, 2015 at 9:21 am

Viewed from Korea, Google books is selling both editions. 🙁

Chong Go December 10, 2015 at 9:31 am

Even though I’m searching Kobold from Korea, when I click on the link, I get taken to the story with the US hyperlink. (And they aren’t displaying any with the new covers.)

Chong Go December 10, 2015 at 9:43 pm

When I log into from an account set up in Korea, they will show me both editions of the Dread Empire series if I look hard enough, but the Harper Colins edition is the default one. I’m guessing that Harper Collins listed this for sale in all territories. (For what it’s worth, your edition is for sale at $8.79, and Harper Colins’ edition is $7.99)

wjw December 11, 2015 at 1:09 am

Thank you for your researches! This sent me to look at the original contract, which I haven’t read since I signed it in 2001. It turns out that Harper has the non-exclusive right to market the work throughout much of the world, which probably meant nothing in 2001, when it would mean setting up printing presses and distribution networks, but means a lot now, in the age of the ebook.

So it looks as if Harper and I will be directly competing in Korea, and quite a few other places.

Why my edition is $8.79 is another problem, since I told Amazon to put it for sale at $5.99. and it seems to be that price everywhere I can check. So that’s another odd little question that needs answering.

In any case, thanks again for a very thorough job!

Chong Go December 11, 2015 at 2:43 am

The Praxis is $6.99 on Kobo (Harper Collins)

On Google Play the Harper Collins edition is about a dollar more expensive than your edition, W8,763 vs. W7,585.

Sometimes, Amazon applies a mystery $2 charge to (most) ebooks ordered from overseas accounts. Nobody knows why they do this. This might be why your book is more expensive, but it’s always been exactly $2 more. For whatever reason, the Harper Collins edition is the same price ($7.99) regardless of whether I’m logged in from a US or Korean account.

Good luck!

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