Big Oops

by wjw on March 17, 2016

Alert reader Bruce Perens has written to let me know that the ebooks of Aristoi have a formatting error, in that one chapter was moved to the end of the file.  And by end, I mean end, after the “Other Books by Walter Jon Williams” section and everything.

This mistake has now been corrected, and the revised file uploaded to the various sites involved.  It’ll take maybe 24-48 hours to migrate through the sites and appear for publication.

The wrongly-formatted books were uploaded on February 1, so if you’ve bought an ebook of Aristoi since then, you’ve probably got a wrong ‘un.  Erase the book from your reader/computer/whatever, and reload the version with Chapter Eighteen in the right place.

My sincere apologies for the error. Fortunately it’s one that’s easy to fix.

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