Here, There, and Another Place

by wjw on October 7, 2016

impersonations101I am newly located in various corners of cyberspace.  First up, I am interviewed at MyLifeMyBooksMyEscape, specifically about Impersonations, but also about a few other things.

Nextly, over on, I have provided an appreciation of the strange and marvelous fiction of Cordwainer Smith.

And lastly, EBookDaily has seen fit to give Investments a promotion.  This is normally the sort of thing for which I pay, but apparently this one’s free, so check them out since they seem to be generous people.

Steinar Bang October 12, 2016 at 10:23 am

Thank you for writing The What-He-Did: The Poetic Science Fiction of Cordwainer Smith.

I’ve loved the Cordwainer Smith stories since I first encountered them in anthologies in the late 1970-ies or early eighties. “The ballad of lost C’Mell’ was the first one I’ve read, and have always been a favourite.

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