Return to Palau

by wjw on October 22, 2016

img_0057After two days on airplanes and in airports, we got to spend a night in a luxury hotel.  It caters more to Japanese than American visitors, so the breakfast buffet had some interesting choices.  I had a vegetable stir-fry of udon noodles topped with a couple eggs sunny-side-up, along with tropical fruit and coffee, and from the terrace I could view the Palau Aggressor, which I’ll be boarding in a few hours, for a week of undersea adventure.

img_0065Last time I was in Palau I got an award-winning story out of it, so fingers crossed.

The hotel room came equipped with a perfectly magnificent multi-function Panasonic toilet, complete with a heated seat (somewhat less useful here in the tropics, I wot).  There was an entire control arm full of buttons and instructions, some of which were only in Japanese.

Fortunately for dim-witted foreigners there was a button on top that you could press to cause it to flush.

Mechanics to the rescue!

Here’s a detailed photo of some of the instructions:


Clyde October 25, 2016 at 11:45 pm

It is interesting how the Japanese went from the worst toilets in the developed world to the best. Even the public toilets are good now.

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