Spot the Fish in this Picture

by wjw on January 14, 2017

_DSC4156It’s a crocodile fish, known less descriptively as “de Beaufort’s flathead.”

It’s also an ambush predator, so if you happen to be a small crustacean, don’t get too close.

Anonymous January 15, 2017 at 6:45 pm

There it is!

(Who am i kidding? I’ve got nothing; near as i can tell there’s no fish at all)

wjw January 18, 2017 at 12:40 am

Most of the picture, in fact, is one very large fish. The flat bill is on the lower right, and the tail is on the upper left. Just right of center is one circular eye looking straight at you, helping to measure whether you’d make a proper snack.

Susan Beaty January 19, 2017 at 11:55 am

well, at least I picked up the bill in the lower right quadrant, but not the tail. Excellent camouflage.

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