Another Goodie

by wjw on March 29, 2017

All Covers SmallLo, I am Bundl’d!

Once again my work is to be found in a StoryBundle, this one on the theme of Artificial Intelligence.

And once again, you decide what you want to pay! (Assuming, that is, that you pay at least five bucks.)

If you offer at least $5, you get five books:

  • Aristoi by Walter Jon Williams

  • Arachne by Lisa Mason

  • The Bohr Maker by Linda Nagata

  • Queen City Jazz by Kathleen Ann Goonan

  • Rewired – The Post-Cyberpunk Anthology by James Patrick Kelly and John Kessel (which has another story of mine in it).

But if you pay $15 or more, you get five more books!

  • The A.I. Chronicles by Samuel Peralta and Ellen Campbell

  • Eye Candy by Ryan Schneider

  • Cyberweb by Lisa Mason

  • Limit of Vision by Linda Nagata

  • Glass Houses by Laura J. Mixon

You are, of course, at liberty to pay more than $15, if you think the collection is worth more.  Pay $20!  Pay $25!  Pay half a million dollars!  Go on, I dare you!

Now there’s only one drawback, which is that the bundle will only be available for 22 days.  So get it now!

Your ebooks will be DRM free, and will be formatted for whatever reading software is convenient to you.

Plus, you have the option of donating 10% of the purchase price to charity, in this case the Science Fiction Writers of America, who have funds to support outreach, education, and (more importantly from my perspective) health care for writing professionals.

So I have a plethora of reading pleasures available this week.  A new sale of Implied Spaces, the continued sale on The Rift, and the new AI StoryBundle!

In fact, you’ve got so much to read now that you should probably just take the next couple weeks off work and plump up the pillows in the comfy chair.  Get busy!  There are eye tracks to be made!

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