Days of Frenzy

by wjw on September 21, 2017

I had a lovely time traveling this summer, but I knew I was going to pay for it later.  And by later, I mean now.

I’m working on a number of things more or less simultaneously.  Promoting Quillifer!, which will be released on October 3.  Doing an online sale of Voice of the Whirlwind, which (unfortunately) sort of crowds onto Quillifer! since it starts on October 5.  Preparing a paperback release of Voice of the Whirlwind, which I hope to have ready by the time the sale starts, just in case readers might prefer a $12 paperback to a $0.99 ebook.  (Call me optimistic.)

I’m also working on Praxis VI, which I’m hoping to deliver within a month, and trying to get the Dagmar series available in e-formats, which involves a surprising amount of very detailed work along with commissioning art.

Plus there’s a music festival this weekend, and I’m flying to Michigan to address a philosophy class on Monday.  (Yeah!  I know!  I’m tight with Spinoza, Hegel an’ them!)

Oh and yes, trying to get the old Little, Brown ebooks of the Dagmar series off Amazon, because even though I’ve got the rights back, those books are still available.  Which is deeply annoying.

And speaking of annoying, Comcast took down both Internet and my ground line all damn day, and calling the robots at Comcast did absolutely no good, until (after a whole damn day of this) I managed to talk to an actual person, who fixed my problem in no time.

Color me frantic!  So much to do, so little time.

Just pass me the Red Bull, man, and get out of my way.

Josh January 29, 2018 at 9:15 am

Awesome to hear about the new work on Praxis! Should we be crossing our fingers for a release this fall?

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