So. This Happened.

by wjw on December 28, 2018

IMG_5107It’s the first big winter storm in a number of years, and the world is covered with a layer of ice buried under several inches of snow.  It won’t really get above freezing for over a week, so we’re just going to have to get used to involuntary acts of skating.

I hate driving under such conditions, not because I’m afraid of icy conditions, but because I’m afraid of the other drivers.  Practically no one here knows how to drive in weather, and I’m sure the highways are littered with wrecked vehicles.  New Mexico drivers are terrifying.

The next storm is scheduled for New Year’s Eve, which means the roads will be loaded with ice, snow, and drunks.  Maybe I’ll stay indoors and drink champagne by a roaring fire.

Steinar Bang December 31, 2018 at 3:25 am

Do you still have the Subaru?

John Wilson January 1, 2019 at 3:25 am

It’s not just New Mexico drivers who don’t know how to drive in this stuff. I live in Canada, and we get this kind of weather with…um…far greater frequency. And there is a significant portion of the population who have no idea how to drive in it, either. They ruin for everyone else 🙂

wjw January 1, 2019 at 2:28 pm

I do. The all-wheel-drive is nice in these conditions, but when all four wheels are on ice, the driving is Not Fun.

Shash January 1, 2019 at 3:18 pm

Looks like you’re weather is channelling Duluth. I hope the temps aren’t doing the same.

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