Toolbox Nominees!

by wjw on April 2, 2019

Taos-LogosmallOnce again Hugo voters have inexplicably failed to recognize my greatness, but I’m very pleased to note that they have recognized the greatness of a number of veterans of Taos Toolbox, the master class for writers of science fiction and fantasy.

Kelly Robson got a novella nomination for “God, Monsters, and the Lucky Peach.”

Simone Heller received a nomination for the novelette “When We Were Starless.”

Saladin Ahmed authored the graphic novel nominee Abbott.  

Best of luck to these, and congratulations to all the others nominees!

Etaoin Shrdlu April 3, 2019 at 3:36 am

I think it’s jealousy, same as why the Martinezes were constantly being put down by the Peers — you’re simply too good.

Seriously. It’s the only possible explanation for why “Investments” didn’t win back in 2012/2013. And “Solip:System” back in whenever. Among others.

wjw April 6, 2019 at 11:46 pm

It would seem a waste of time to be jealous of me, when there are so many other more popular writers to be jealous of.

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