The Shuffle

by wjw on May 5, 2019

jsA note for all you completists out there.  The ninth Wild Cards collection, Jokertown Shuffle, has been reissued by Tor with new material, two never-before-seen stories by Carrie Vaughn and Cherie Priest.

In addition to the original stories by Stephen Leigh, Lewis Shiner, John Jos. Miller, Melinda Snodgrass, Victor Milan, and Walton (Bud) Simons.

And me.  This volume contains my Black Shadow story, “When Night’s Black Agents to Their Preys Do Rouse.”

Black Shadow was the first Wild Cards character I created, but to this point he’d been underserved.  He appeared here and there as a cameo, but for one reason or another he never had a story of his own.  He makes up for it here, with a big fat novella to call his own.

Feel free to procure yourself a copy.

I should also point out that this volume is very, very, very dark, and may not be for everybody.

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