The Acropolis Where the Parthenon Is

by wjw on August 2, 2019

I’ll be leaving in a few hours for Ireland, where I’ll be spending ten days or so traveling around the country in a busload full of Rick Wilber’s friends (some of whom happen to be my friends as well).  After which I’ll be attending the Dublin Worldcon.

I’m so beaten to splinters by the harrowing business of getting ready for the trip that I’m incapable of being amusing, by which I mean that the most interesting thing I could think of offering was to remark on how Iceland and Ireland have only a single letter not in common.  I then tried to work out what else the two have not in common, and came up with rather a long list, with volcanos and glaciers on the one hand, and neolithic ruins and more than one kind of horse on the other.

Instead of being entertained by this sort of lame nonsense, please feel free to be amused by this video of four of England’s sharpest and wittiest minds trying to take down Stephen Fry.  (Because that’s how many it takes.)


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