Barefoot Knight With Cheek

by wjw on November 6, 2019

Quillifer revised front cover

Quillifer the Knight has been released!  

And we’ve got flap copy if you want it!

Rogue. Joker. Lover. Reluctant conspirator.

The ambitious young Quillifer was knighted for services to the crown, but then was banished from court by a queen who finds him obnoxious. Now, after a two-year voyage to improve his fortunes, Quillifer returns to court and is plunged immediately into a maelstrom of intrigue that triggers duels, plots, amours, and rollicking adventure. Bounding back and forth from the high councils of state to the warm bed of his mistress, Quillifer must exert every ounce of seductive charm and low cunning in order to survive.

But there’s a greater menace to Quillifer than deadly political intrigue, for once again he finds himself hunted by the cruel, beautiful, and vengeful goddess Orlanda.

Quillifer the Knight is the sequel to Quillifer, and may be found at a bookstore near you, or at Amazon, Kobo, Apple, Google, or Barnes & Noble.

I also include the conveniently-sized placard below, in hopes that you’ll place it on your social media and help me get this party started.

QuiliferBadge02_edited-1 copy

And that’s not all! as they used to say on the Ronco commercials.  For all of November, the ebook version of my novel The Accidental War,  the latest in my Praxis series, is on sale for a mere $1.99.  Find it at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple, Kobo, and Google.the-accidental-war120

Much reading pleasure can soon be yours!  Just settle in your easy chair, pour yourself the warming beverage of your choice, and settle down with one of my books.

mearsk November 6, 2019 at 11:21 am

I had the “hardcover” version of Quillifer the Knight pre-ordered on Amazon, and was wondering why it wasn’t delivered yesterday. Then I look at Amazon and it says it’s due to be released in “2050.” I went ahead and ordered the paperback version.

Etaoin Shrdlu November 6, 2019 at 12:51 pm

Ortolans, stuffed in a kid?? (I do hope that meant “goat”. Never can tell with nobles, considering they used to serve roast peasant under glass.) Why not the traditional “doused in brandy and set on fire, then eaten under a towel”?

pixlaw November 6, 2019 at 4:21 pm

Bought it. Now I need to find the time to read it.

Etaoin Shrdlu November 7, 2019 at 1:28 pm

Any chance on a separate post for discussion of the book for those who have read it? I don’t want to post anything significant here because I don’t want to spoil things for anyone, but a clearly marked “don’t read this unless you’ve finished the book!” topic would give fair notice, I think.

Two more years for Book the Third?

wjw November 7, 2019 at 11:17 pm

Brad, I removed your post because it contained spoilers.

I’ll follow Etaoin’s suggestion and start an all-spoiler topic.

John November 16, 2019 at 10:45 am

I was wondering if you happened to know when fans can expect the hardcover edition, or is there going to be a hardcover edition at all? Seems strange to have it available for book 1, but not book 2.

wjw November 16, 2019 at 3:46 pm

John, the ways of publishers are mysterious.

There was supposed to be a hardcover edition, but its release has been delayed till 2050. I think this is their way of saying there will never be a hardcover edition, but their decisions are always opaque.

pecooper November 18, 2019 at 9:47 am

I stopped in at Barnes & Noble last night and it turns out that Quillifer the Knight was behind the counter waiting for me. The note on ticket said it has arrived on Wednesday, they had called me but the phone was busy. Tsk.

Four days. Four days ago I could have had it. @#*!!!

Immersed myself in it, now.

Brad DeLong December 8, 2019 at 9:48 am

And now here I am in Berlin, at the Gendarmen Markt Christmas Fair, with the Gendarmen Markt square being named after… the Prussian cuirassier regiment called the Gens d’Armes, which had its stables here until 1773…

Seth December 10, 2019 at 2:00 pm

Any idea on a possible audiobook release date? And are you planning on having Ralph Lister narrate again?

wjw December 11, 2019 at 2:45 am

Brad, it seems the Germans had quite the penchant for giving their military French names. Gens d’Armes, Garde du Corps, cuirassiers, and of course the Pour le Merit decoration.

Seth, Ralph Lister will be reading Quillifer the Knight. But the publisher was so late in dealing with Audible that Ralph couldn’t find an opening in his schedule till January. So the audio book won’t be available till some time afterwards, I know not when.

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