Hang On Little Tomato

by wjw on March 23, 2020

All things being normal, I’d mosey to a cocktail bar tonight, then walk down the street to the Kimo, the world’s only art-deco pueblo revival theater, to see Pink Martini.

But things aren’t normal, I won’t be in any theater anytime soon, and if I drink any cocktails I’ll have to make them myself.

But I can still listen to Pink Martini, albeit at some remove.  So here they are with a timely message, in “Hang On Little Tomato.”

pecooper March 24, 2020 at 12:03 pm

I love Pink Martini. My cousin’s son, Dunan, turned me on to them, when I boarded at my cousin’s house when I was on a contract on the other side of the country. I surprised him with their new holiday album and we rocked down to it for a couple of hours.

I have never been close enough to see them play, so my heart goes out to you for missing them.

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