Giza Cat

by wjw on February 3, 2021

PyramidCatBehold our cat Mocha contemplating the Pyramids.

Dish Network is for some reason devoting Channel 100 to a digital re-creation of Giza in the 1920s.  The camera never moves, and mostly nothing happens in the image, except that every so often a biplane might fly into the picture, circle the pyramids a couple times, and then fly off.  Or a felucca might sail down the Nile, very slowly.  Or the sun might set and the scene is bathed in sunset colors, and the stars will come out.  Or a leopard might stalk past.  The whole time you hear bird calls and insects.

It’s a relaxing image, sort of like those yule log videos you see around the holidays.  It’s almost a still photo, except every now and again something happens, and then it stops happening.

Mocha was utterly fascinated and watched it for ages.  Maybe she was interested in the giant cat crouched off to the right of the Pyramids.  (In this image the Sphinx seems to be much larger than life size.)  Or she was entranced by the bird calls.

Since lockdown I’ve been watching more television than usual, and I’ve got a better handle on Mocha’s tastes.  She likes Looney Tunes, in which vaguely animal-shaped characters hit each other over the head with anvils.  She likes anything with horses, and I’m sure I don’t watch enough Westerns for her.  (This is odd because she’s scared of real-life horses— I think she suspects they might be really really big dogs.)  She likes nature programs with birds, but she’s indifferent to other animals that aren’t horses.

But the Giza Plateau seems to be her favorite.  Not surprising, since ancient Egypt was where they worshipped cats.

mearsk February 4, 2021 at 11:04 am

Bastet is no doubt nodding approvingly at your devotion.

Ralf T. Dog February 4, 2021 at 12:54 pm

My old cat Khan loved TV. My old dog Eclipse was terrified of it. (I think she had been tortured by previous owners.) Khan learned how to turn on the TV by jumping on the remote until he found a show he liked.

If I went out of the house, I would come back with Khan watching cartoons or Star Wars or something. Eclipse would be hiding in the library with her paws covering her ears.

David A.W. February 5, 2021 at 11:58 am

My cat M4 (Marvelous Merlin the Magnificent Magician…long story) loves the rolling tickers at the bottom of the screen on mostly news type networks. But it has to be a rolling ticker where the letters/words move from right to left and then disappear off the edge of the screen.

If he’s being annoying all I have to do is put a ticker up on the TV. He will spend hours batting at the letters disappearing off the left side of the screen, and so leave me alone.

Other than that he is completely indifferent to the TV or what is on it .

Peter D. Tillman February 8, 2021 at 1:39 pm

OK: Here’s our Kyle’s favorite video:

About to finish my e-ARC of your new Sub Press collxn. Fawning review to follow. Good Stuff!

wjw February 9, 2021 at 1:04 am

Mocha was interested in the TV ticker for a while, but eventually realized that the letters weren’t insects and she couldn’t eat them, and now she’s indifferent to them.

Pete, thanks in advance for the fawning review!

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