
by wjw on April 19, 2021

Things have been mad busy in the last couple weeks, which accounts for my not posting much here. This is almost purely the result of my COVID vaccinations, which are allowing me to take care of all the business I’ve been postponing for, well, a year.

I’ve dealt with a lot of my backlist, and I’m actually kind of proud of myself for accomplishing so much once it was finally safe for me to go out into the world. But the things that got done were the things I could do on my own, and the rest of the list depends on other people— doctors, other professionals, people with whom I have business relationships— who can’t be arsed to do their jobs. (Or maybe it’s their assistants who can’t be arsed. Who knows?) Maybe they’ll get back to me eventually, but I have to say that I’m very tired of leaving messages and sending emails that don’t get a reply.

But in the meantime, I’m finding myself with a social life again! My game night is back on, because everyone’s vaccinated now. I’m visiting back and forth with my vaccinated friends, and meeting other vaccinated friends in restaurants for food and drinks, and otherwise planning events in which I see vaccinated people in person and maybe even exchange hugs!

It’s a new world a-dawnin’. Thank you, Mr. Pfizer.

John Appel April 20, 2021 at 6:47 pm

Hurray for you! Got my first Moderna shot last week, with the next scheduled for mid-May. Cautiously hopeful I may be able to have an (outdoor) launch event for my book in July.

Susan B April 21, 2021 at 9:38 pm

We actually went to some friends’ house for dinner last Sunday (all 4 of us vaccinated) and then on Monday my book group had its first in-person meeting since February 2020. Quite a social whirl after isolating for over a year. The first thing did – two weeks and one day after my 2nd shot – was get a long overdue haircut. So grateful to be able to do these things again.

Shash April 26, 2021 at 7:51 pm

I’m counting down the hours until I am free to meet some friends in person, without a mask. Maybe, after 15 months, it’s time for a haircut.

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