Foot of the Bow

by wjw on July 17, 2021

I apologize for the poor quality of this photo, but I shot in through the screen, in some haste to capture the image before it vanished.

If you observe the rainbow from today’s cloudburst, you’ll see it stretches all the way to the ground in front of the treeline. The rainbow actually touches ground a couple hundred yards from where I stood. I’d never seen that before.

The rain was intense while it lasted, and all the while in brilliant sunshine. I expected to see a unicorn, or at the very least a pot of gold.

Robert M Roman July 17, 2021 at 3:54 pm

Just so long as it’s not the Bifrost bridge…

John Appel July 18, 2021 at 3:46 pm

And if you did see a unicorn, it might shortly be followed by a man in black and silver, wearing a heavy one-handed blade and holding a deck of cards in one hand…

pecooper July 19, 2021 at 2:59 pm

Hmn. Unicorn. Unicorn. Musical instrument played by a castrato, right?

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