
by wjw on April 19, 2022

James Davis Nicoll has made a favorable mention of Metropolitan in his article “5 Sympathetic Science Fiction Bureaucrats.” My ambitious button-pushing heroine Aiah has finally got a bit of respect.

The article mentions only five bureaucrats, but the comments offer many more. It seems that SF might be more sympathetic to bureaucracy than you might think.

Todd Dillen April 21, 2022 at 9:54 am

I lost a willpower battle last week and re-read Metropolitan and tried in vain to spot more than 2 Elton John references. Has anyone spotted anything besides Rocketman (a locale) and the Elton (a luxury vehicle)?

I uttered my usual “nooooo” when I got to the last page and saw there weren’t any more pages.

Peter Tillman April 25, 2022 at 5:51 pm

Metro is certainly in the running for my favorite WJW novel. Time for YA re-read? I even have a hc copy…. somewhere.

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