Cycladic Enigma

by wjw on October 23, 2022

From the Museum of Cycladic Art, one of the thousands of marble effigies found across the islands, all made pretty much in this style. Most were found in graves, though so many were looted nobody knows where most of them were dug up. Most were doll-sized, but some (including this one) were nearly life-sized.

The Cycladic bronze age culture produced these for several hundred years. Nobody knows who these ladies were: they could be a goddess, images of someone dead, a conductor to the afterlife. They’re a complete mystery, but you can see where Modigliani and Henry Moore got their inspiration.

Our mad adventures with Greek taxi drivers continues. We have yet to find a taxi driver who knew how to get to where we wanted to go (and where we wanted to go was usually someplace well-known and public). We had one taxi driver pull off the road and ask a random stranger for directions. In one case, Kathy had the path on Google Maps on her phone, and was shouting instructions from the back seat as the cab driver zoomed about the city.

“Turn left!”






“Now turn right!”



I was helpless with laughter and failed to be of any use whatever.

Clyde October 24, 2022 at 5:08 am

Chortle! đŸ¤£

Pekka Timonen October 27, 2022 at 6:41 am

My experiences on taxis in Athens were from 2018. Then it seemed that all of them were 60+ year old males, they did not speak much English. Some of them had a GPS device which they were trying to use by speaking out the destination… and failing constantly, although the devices were configured for Greek language. I helped them showing the route from Google Map app on my phone. I could have learned so many swear words in Greek đŸ™‚

wjw October 27, 2022 at 1:13 pm

Pekka, it’s clear that not much has changed since 2028.

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